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Hospital Recycling
Pre-Operative Hospital Plastics & Bluewrap Program
We offer pickups for hospitals, veterinarians & surgery centers who want to become more sustainable!
Service Area: Denver Metro, Boulder & surrounding cities. Contact us to see if your location is eligible.
Who: Hospitals, veterinarians, surgery centers or any program that produces large amounts of blue wrap.
Where: We come to you with customized pick up times & locations.
How: You simply fill bags, we do the rest. We will come to your location & pickup your full bags on your designated pickup day(s).
What: We do all the work! We hand sort your materials, remove tape & stickers & make sure that everything gets recycled. You just fill the bags with program materials!
**Note: pick-up services are for blue wrap and certain plastics only. Common recycling and hard-to-recycle items must be brought to one of our drop-off sites.
*no setup fees, no cancellation fees!
$35 per pickup:
Includes pickup, transportation, sorting & blue wrap tape removal of up to FIFTY (50) bags.
*For quantities over 50 bags an additional pickup must be scheduled.
Sign Up
To begin services please fill out the form below -or- contact Rachel @ 303-249-7251
Accepted Materials

Blue Wrap

#6 colored & white trays

Clear LDPE bags

#5 colored & white bowls

#5 saline bottles

Paperboard boxes

Cardboard boxes
Other Accepted Materials
We donate certain UNUSED items to local non-profits.
These items may be placed in your collection bags
provided that they are new and clean.
*New surgical gowns
*New table covers
*New gauze
*New gloves
*New bandages / wraps
*Most misc. unused supplies
Items we DO NOT
-used gauze
-used instruments, IV bags & tubing, syringes
-bodily fluids or anything containing fluids
-needles, used or unused
-single stream (bottles, cans, paper, metals)
-any type of plastic other than the 6 accepted program plastics
-films, wrapping & glove bags
-styrofoam trays
-trash of any kind
We charge a sort/trash fee of $5 per bag for bags containing more than %15 non program materials.
We charge a penalty of $50 for hazardous materials placed in our recycling bags.
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