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Single Stream Recycling
"Single-stream recyclables" are the recyclable items that you use
everyday, such as glass bottles, cans, office paper, cardboard, and some plastics.
These materials DO NOT need to be sorted/separated.
**The single stream portion of our site is for WESTMINSTER RESIDENTS ONLY
**We accept single stream at our WESTMINSTER site only.
Pricing & Rules
Westminster residents only
Single stream recycling is FREE
You may recycle up to one car full of material at our site per visit, per day (no box trucks).
-- You may bring a MAX of TWENTY cardboard boxes per visit
-- Cardboard boxes must be broken down prior to arriving
-- Cut large boxes down: Max size: 3 ft x 5 ft
Our single stream area is SELF SERVICE. Upon arriving at the Westminster site, look for signs and park. Exit your car and place your single stream materials in labeled bins. Place cardboard in labeled bins.
We will have staff available to answer questions and provide you with carts to help move your materials if needed.
All hard-to-recycle materials must be taken inside through the east entrance. DO NOT place any hard-to-recycle materials in single stream bins.
We accept single stream recycling during open hours only. Access to the site is restricted outside of open hours.
Accepted Materials

Shredded paper
20 BOX

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