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Can disposable coffee cups be recycled?
YES! Our customers may bring coffee cups to our drop off sites and place them in the appropriately labeled containers. Plastic lids and cardboard sleeves must be removed and recycled separately!


Are plastic lids from bottles recyclable?
YES. Plastic twist-off lids can be recycled IF you leave them on the bottles. Because of their small size, lids are not recycled when separate from the bottle due to the fact that optical sorters cannot see and identify them. When left on the bottle, they are ground up by machines and then separated from the bottle plastic and recycled.


Are paper towels and tissues recyclable?
NO. These items ARE compostable but not recyclable. DO NOT place in recycling bins. You may place them in our compost collection containers.


Are yard waste and other wood products recyclable?
NO. These items are compostable but not recyclable. DO NOT place in recycling bins.


What is the difference between composting and recycling?
Recycling takes materials that can be broken down and made back into new items such as plastic being made into new plastic products and metal cans being made into new cans. The nature of the material is not changed.
Composting is the biological process of breaking up organic waste such as food waste, manure, leaves, grass trimmings, paper etc. into a substance used to create fertilizers and healthy soil additives. (


Why is packing styrofoam recyclable but not styrofoam containers?
Packing styrofoam is a polystyrene product and can be densified into a hard foam product that can then be remade back into packing styrofoam. Post consumer styrofoam, or styrofoam that once held food for drink (to go containers, food packaging, cups and plates, etc.), has a plastic film covering the styrofoam that prevents us from being able to recycle it. Block packing foam can be brought to our H2R sites- DO NOT put in your bins. Post consumer styrofoam can not be brought to our sites.


Are plastic grocery bags recyclable?
We do not accept plastic grocery bags at our sites, but they are recyclable! Please check with your local grocery stores to find a collection spot near you. 


Do the plastic windows have to be removed from envelopes before they can be recycled?
No, plastic windows and staples do not need to be removed.


Does all food need to be removed from containers for they to be recycled?
We ask that most food is removed. Large amounts of food or liquid render an item as trash. If there is a small amount of food stuck to a container (e.g. peanut butter or pasta sauce on the inside of a jar) it can still be recycled. We always appreciate materials that are emptied and rinsed.
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