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Residential Recycling

Reduce the amount of waste that you & your family landfill

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average American produces about 4.4 pounds of garbage a day, or a total of 29 pounds per week. That is 1,600 pounds of household trash per person each year!


You can make a difference. By recycling the waste produced in your home you can cut down your trash production to a fraction of this number. And remember, always reuse before recycling!

Drop-Off Sites
Forest Trees
Recycling Containers
Pickup Service
Single-Stream Recycling
Mountain Lake


Service Area: The City of Arvada south of 80th St. and east of Alkire St. & all areas of the City of Wheat Ridge
Who: residential neighborhoods
How: you simply fill bins, we do the rest
What: we bring you 95 gallon bins to fill. Please see “recyclables” page for a list of items collected
**Note: pick-up services are for single-stream materials only. Hard-to-recycle items must be brought to one of our drop-off sites.
When: pick-ups once per month


Once monthly pick-up: $11 per month
Sign Up


To begin services please call
Gina @ 303.424.6078 x 132

*billed every 3 months in advance of services

*fully refundable bin deposite fee of $25 per bin

SustainAbility supplies our residential customers with 95 gallon bins. Our pick-ups are completed once a month. Once monthly pick-up meets our customers needs, keeps recycling service rates low & decreases carbon footprint emissions & traffic in your neighborhoods.
Our rates are as follows:
$11 per month (billed every 3 months in advance of services) for once monthly pick-up.
SustainAbility's services include a calendar with highlighted pick-up dates, material guidelines which indicate what can and cannot be recycled & how to prepare the recyclables, & a reminder email sent the day before pick-up.
We have a one time refundable bin deposit fee of $25.
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